Eco-friendly houses from Lithuania

General information for the Client

Panels for the building construction are manufactured in the workshop located 30 km from Vilnius (Lithuania). Afterwards, all set volumetric elements with fitted windows and doors are transported to the construction site. On the site the prefabricated panels are joined together and the house is mounted on the pre-built foundation and is prepared for users’utilisation.Thisprocess dramatically reduces the amount of on-sitedisruption, minimises waste and improves energyefficiency.

The minimum price for the house without the interior finishesstarts from 480.00 EUR per sq. m. It includes the materials, manufacture and installation on the site.


  • ·      External walls (insulation 250 mm), finishes - board or plaster;
  • ·      Internal walls and partitions;
  • ·      Floor;
  • ·      Roof (insulation 300 mm) - folded metal sheets or metal tiles;
  • ·      PVC double-glazed windows, window sills;
  • ·      Front door;
  • ·      Electrical installation;
  • ·      Plumbing pipes installation.

Transportation to the construction site starts from 1.00 EUR per km.

Client prepares the foundation, rents a crane and a crane operator to unload the panels for the building. Prices for interior finishes are negotiated individually.

All the prices exclude VAT.

Panel production process

Building a house in Grenoble (France)